Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Barbequed Husbands versus Heros and Lovers at the Undercroft

This September we have two for the price of one at the Undercroft, or rather two for the price of a donation! For this month we will be hosting two guest tellers, both from the midlands...

First we have Ana Lines, a Brazilian teller who be performing 'Barbequed Husbands -Rainforest Tales'. Stories of healing, life, and love as well as cooking husbands!

Ana is a well known teller in the midlands and hosts her own club in Stafford as well as telling at the Birmingham storytelling Cafe. You can find out more about her on her website..

Then we have Tom Philips telling 'Heros and Lovers'. As Tom says, It's a mix of story and music that come together  take the audience around the world on a light hearted journey

Tom Philips telling at the Yard of Tales in Market Harborough

Tom is an up and coming teller who has performed all over the midlands and also at the Sociery for Storytelling Gathering. Just go to his website for more info... 

Please note that although we have two guests this month there will still be time for tales from the floor between their sets

As usual we ask ask that people arrive early for an 8.00pm start lest Jim has yours guts for garters!