Thursday, January 23, 2014

Here be Dragons, but where is Oliver Cromwells Head?

Our first meet at the Undercroft in 2014 will hopefully be dominated by dragons. As part of the bi-annual Norwich Dragon Festival we will be sharing stories of serpents, worms and all manner of winged monsters, non of whom will be sleeping soundly in their caves on February 5th!

Also one or two of our regulars including Dave Tonge and Liam carroll will be telling tales at Norwich Guildhall, libraries and other venues throughout the Dragon Festival and you can find out more about these events by visting the HEART website here....

We also hope to share some three minute gestes to cheer away the dark winter evenings and in the second half the floor will be open to all comers with any story they want to tell. We have already got one new teller lined up, Gareth Calway, who will be sharing 'Cromwells Talking Head'. Gareth says....

Cromwell’s Talking Head is in the horrible history genre and aimed at the naughty kid in all of us. But it's all true - Cromwell the king-killer really was dug up from his 'royal' grave at the Restoration, hung, drawn, quartered and his head stuck on a traitor's pole for 25 years. After centuries of adventures in freaks shows and dodgy museums, ears and other bits nicked by trophy hunters, and carrying a legendary curse, the head was authenticated by cranial detectives and in 1960 secretly buried at his old college in Cambridge University. Secretly in case drunken royalist students dig him up again! In the monologue, the head tells the ghastly story and the story of the Civil War to a young grave robber who has dug up more than he bargained for. It's funny, informative and not that comfortable for royal ears. You’ll laugh your head off!

To find out more about Gareth visit his website at...

As per usual we meet at 7.30 for an 8.00 pm start lest Jim has your guts for garters and anyone wanting to tell Dragon or other stories just let me know.